OurOffice provides simple micro-actions like the ones below which anyone can take, even with busy schedules.
- During your work week, say hi to someone that you don't typically talk to or have not met before, and ask how their week is going.
- Count the times different people talk in a meeting, notice if everyone is included in the conversation, and take action as needed.
- Ask how the profile of your team differs from the profile of your customer base, and if any actions are required to close gaps.
- Be intentional about what you can do personally this week to make a colleague feel more included.
- Try to use “We” instead of “You” and “They” where possible.
- Recognize a work or milestone anniversary of a co-worker who is rarely appreciated.
- Think of team members with different backgrounds and experiences from your own, and write down how you think they feel about your workplace.
- Observe your own use of words to describe different co-workers with and notice trends you need to address.
Diversity and Inclusion and your workplace culture are critical success factors for your organization. But with shifting priorities and busy schedules, it’s often hard to find time to take action, or even to know what action to take.
Not any more! OurOffice provides simple and easy actions to create a more inclusive workplace every day of the week. These are called micro-actions. While each micro-action in itself seems almost trivial, over time they tend to have a broader effect, without additional effort by you.
We share recommended micro-actions through the Inclusive Business review (IBR) newsletter, and also through OurOffice social media posts on Linkedin and Twitter. Please enter your email below to find out more.